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(aangirfan: FREUD, MADELEINE McCANN, MURDOCH) Emma Freud recommended the ‘bed-hopping bisexual' Millie Dobie toGordon Brown (aangirfan: GORDON BROWN AND HIS TRAINER) Judy Garland and the UK's Kray Twins (Another Nickel In The Machine – 2). Judy Garland was said to be a victim of brain washing by the spooks.

  1. Lord Alistair McAlpine, who was at the centre of the child abuse scandal in the UK, is listed. Jeffrey Epstein's Little Black Book contains the names of people who could be described as being a mixture of the Feudal Elite, Robber Barons, Zionists, Nazis and members of the security services. Here are some of the better known names.
  2. 22 hours ago  PG&E is facing fines that could total millions of dollars from Cal Fire and the California Coastal Commission — along with possible criminal penalties — for what those agencies say is.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Tortotubus – the oldest fossil of a land-dwelling organism. First Life on Land? Examples were discovered on the Scottish island of Kerrera.Meet the 440-million-year-old Scottish fungus which kick-started the human race

Where were you when creatures like the one above existed over 400 million years ago?

In the Hindu's Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjuna; 'Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.'

An early Christian called Origen believed that souls existed before they were born.

In Jeremiah 1:4-5 we read:

Now the word of the Lord came to me, saying,'Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.'

According to Lisa P., in the book Coming from the Light:

'I was putting three-year-old Johnny to bed…

'Johnny said ‘tell me of Grandpa Robert.' I was surprised…I had not told stories of him, and I could not imagine where he had heard his name. He had died before I had even married.

'‘How do you know about Grandpa Robert?' I asked. ‘Well, Momma,' he said with reverence, ‘he's the one who brought me to earth.''

Need for speed underground 2 cd 2 iso

Dr Bradford Skow says that the past, present and future all exist together

According to the Buddhists, it is best not to keep on being re-incarnated.

'To transcend suffering one must cease the cycle of arising and cessation. Of birth and death.

Aangirfan meaning
'You then become One with the Absolute Awareness.'

The Cosmic Dance.

'Early Christians, before Constantine took over the religion, had a much different view of the soul and its relationship to God than mainstream Christianity does today.

'It viewed the soul as having a past history with God and was destined to rejoin God in the future, and that Christ came as an example of how we accomplish this task and to make make it possible in an all new way for us to achieve our union with God.

'In many ways this teaching wasn't that much different than what Buddha taught concerning the soul and its relationship with the Absolute. Christ taught we must be reborn in the spirit and Buddha taught we must transcend this world and our attachment to it.'

Mystic Doctrines.

The sims 4 seasons codex release. Where were you over 400 million years ago?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr Bradford Skow says that the idea that time flows like a river is not correct.

Instead he claims the past, present and future all exist together Avidemux mac.

dailymail / Does time pass? | MIT News

'If we were to ‘look down' upon the universe, we would see time spread out in all directions.

'Events exist in different parts of space-time.

'While installing central heating in the cellar of the Treasurer's House in 1953, Harry Martindale was witness to an astounding sight.

'Roman soldiers, dressed in green tunics and wearing plumed helmets, appeared suddenly through a wall of the cellar, they then marched, dishevelled and dejected, through the cellar before disappearing.'
Mysterious Universe.
Dr Bradford Skow says that time does not flow like a river.

Dr Bradford Skow says that space-time is a ‘block universe'.

A ‘block universe' can be compared to a movie reel, where all the parts of the movie exist at the same time.

Aangirfan News

Dr Skow says that events, such as the American Revolution or 9 11, exist in different parts of space-time.


Shawn Radcliffe has written: The Flow of Time in a Timeless Universe

He points out that according to quantum physics, 'the future isn't set until we measure a quantum object – at which point its state becomes fixed.

'Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, with future possibilities coming into existence every time we take measurements.

'So each ‘now' determines the future, a future that is always just beyond our reach.'

To some thinkers, such as Parmenides and Julian Barbour in his book The End of Time,Time is an illusion.

Read more:

Thanks for lookin'. Sober and quiet reflection, in order. Playing Clavish, MJ on/ 'n out. [B. sorry graph-a-coming], and 'Mazalean'.., word up. Big up Ace and Scheemer 1. / Stockwell Road, and 'Speaks' and ..'world', on the Hill. Oh for a copy of Speaks re-work of 'Ring my Bell', a last parting sound and a story to tell and the copy the DJ/promoting.. (DJ/ pinched it at the end of the night). And, Big. Up for DJ 279 and having Speaks on, Choice FM. It was Friday Night Flaves, revived my interest in Hip-Hop. Show's catchprase? 'It's nice, to be nice.' Like, 'All You Need Is Love', and.., sounds, twee'? All the while, the OG, Hard-Core, and all that, Is > That: Love-talk and action. / MJ, out.


PCR. A BLM-projecting, 'False-Flag',

Joe Biden says, what he knows the war is over, and:

'Won't mandate [..] getting COVID-19 vaccine, wearing masks.'

War is Freedom-lies, and, 'yes/no, becomes, . . .

SUNDAY SCHOOL A-COMIN' // + Page below, ***NEW IMPROVED,*** SMALLER-SIZE -ish(?) Butter stop, X.

2015-2020, The Same 'Ol, Same Ol', and Aangirfan been blazing all along, ..Before that.

All-the- while, hardly ..another. A-lone? A.W.O.L.? A-WOT?

. . .

Paul Cudby, The Shaken Path/ The 'Greens' and the 'Reds.'

Sincere, sorry, couldn't come on, have had a lovely night playing tonight's selection, MJ/Sax, x.

Thanks for coming.

. . .

For Charlie

Aangirfan Epstein

MJ, First Impressions, Messages, Meanings on: Sunday School, 29/11/20.

. . .

No content..

TELLING THE TRUTH IS CRAZY IN A WORLD FULL OF LIES - Kanye West [22.38] : Goon-a be, not a, long-read and bis a bobs, 'till midnight. On Fredo.. 'needs a rewind' /s.. Going: Church Talk, and Gil. Re-look at Colours. Violence erupts, over the weekend, 30 teens on Delgarno Gardens. Block next to mine, decade, before last five in Ed S.' ends. My last long-local, church, an HTB 'plant' (ed), congregation/shared, with existing one/now, an Indie. Ch. St. Francis. /// MJ 2020 20, Fredo/First/Second (?) / Duppy? Best, so far? [Jumped off at 00:05, peace, all.]


Dr Bradford Skow says that the past, present and future all exist together

According to the Buddhists, it is best not to keep on being re-incarnated.

'To transcend suffering one must cease the cycle of arising and cessation. Of birth and death.

'You then become One with the Absolute Awareness.'

The Cosmic Dance.

'Early Christians, before Constantine took over the religion, had a much different view of the soul and its relationship to God than mainstream Christianity does today.

'It viewed the soul as having a past history with God and was destined to rejoin God in the future, and that Christ came as an example of how we accomplish this task and to make make it possible in an all new way for us to achieve our union with God.

'In many ways this teaching wasn't that much different than what Buddha taught concerning the soul and its relationship with the Absolute. Christ taught we must be reborn in the spirit and Buddha taught we must transcend this world and our attachment to it.'

Mystic Doctrines.

The sims 4 seasons codex release. Where were you over 400 million years ago?

Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of philosophy Dr Bradford Skow says that the idea that time flows like a river is not correct.

Instead he claims the past, present and future all exist together Avidemux mac.

dailymail / Does time pass? | MIT News

'If we were to ‘look down' upon the universe, we would see time spread out in all directions.

'Events exist in different parts of space-time.

'While installing central heating in the cellar of the Treasurer's House in 1953, Harry Martindale was witness to an astounding sight.

'Roman soldiers, dressed in green tunics and wearing plumed helmets, appeared suddenly through a wall of the cellar, they then marched, dishevelled and dejected, through the cellar before disappearing.'
Mysterious Universe.
Dr Bradford Skow says that time does not flow like a river.

Dr Bradford Skow says that space-time is a ‘block universe'.

A ‘block universe' can be compared to a movie reel, where all the parts of the movie exist at the same time.

Aangirfan News

Dr Skow says that events, such as the American Revolution or 9 11, exist in different parts of space-time.

Shawn Radcliffe has written: The Flow of Time in a Timeless Universe

He points out that according to quantum physics, 'the future isn't set until we measure a quantum object – at which point its state becomes fixed.

'Viewed this way, we live on the leading edge of a growing block universe, with future possibilities coming into existence every time we take measurements.

'So each ‘now' determines the future, a future that is always just beyond our reach.'

To some thinkers, such as Parmenides and Julian Barbour in his book The End of Time,Time is an illusion.

Read more:

Thanks for lookin'. Sober and quiet reflection, in order. Playing Clavish, MJ on/ 'n out. [B. sorry graph-a-coming], and 'Mazalean'.., word up. Big up Ace and Scheemer 1. / Stockwell Road, and 'Speaks' and ..'world', on the Hill. Oh for a copy of Speaks re-work of 'Ring my Bell', a last parting sound and a story to tell and the copy the DJ/promoting.. (DJ/ pinched it at the end of the night). And, Big. Up for DJ 279 and having Speaks on, Choice FM. It was Friday Night Flaves, revived my interest in Hip-Hop. Show's catchprase? 'It's nice, to be nice.' Like, 'All You Need Is Love', and.., sounds, twee'? All the while, the OG, Hard-Core, and all that, Is > That: Love-talk and action. / MJ, out.


PCR. A BLM-projecting, 'False-Flag',

Joe Biden says, what he knows the war is over, and:

'Won't mandate [..] getting COVID-19 vaccine, wearing masks.'

War is Freedom-lies, and, 'yes/no, becomes, . . .

SUNDAY SCHOOL A-COMIN' // + Page below, ***NEW IMPROVED,*** SMALLER-SIZE -ish(?) Butter stop, X.

2015-2020, The Same 'Ol, Same Ol', and Aangirfan been blazing all along, ..Before that.

All-the- while, hardly ..another. A-lone? A.W.O.L.? A-WOT?

. . .

Paul Cudby, The Shaken Path/ The 'Greens' and the 'Reds.'

Sincere, sorry, couldn't come on, have had a lovely night playing tonight's selection, MJ/Sax, x.

Thanks for coming.

. . .

For Charlie

Aangirfan Epstein

MJ, First Impressions, Messages, Meanings on: Sunday School, 29/11/20.

. . .

No content..

TELLING THE TRUTH IS CRAZY IN A WORLD FULL OF LIES - Kanye West [22.38] : Goon-a be, not a, long-read and bis a bobs, 'till midnight. On Fredo.. 'needs a rewind' /s.. Going: Church Talk, and Gil. Re-look at Colours. Violence erupts, over the weekend, 30 teens on Delgarno Gardens. Block next to mine, decade, before last five in Ed S.' ends. My last long-local, church, an HTB 'plant' (ed), congregation/shared, with existing one/now, an Indie. Ch. St. Francis. /// MJ 2020 20, Fredo/First/Second (?) / Duppy? Best, so far? [Jumped off at 00:05, peace, all.]

JimDandy: 'Cool' is a subjective term.

Certainly it is. Not only is it difficult to define, but the entire subject of what makes someone or something 'cool' is in grave need of exploration. What's cool to me isn't necessarily cool to you. 'Cool' has some relationship to . . .

Waiting on.. God.

Gray never bought the idea that his book was a handbook for despair. His subject was humility; his target any ideology that believed it possessed anything more than doubtful and piecemeal answers to vast and changing questions. The cat book is written in that spirit. If . . .

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